New Member Highlights: Abakar Baraka

Abakar Baraka
My experiences have taught me that we all have a story to tell, and by capturing and sharing people’s stories, we remind ourselves that the world is bigger than any one person and that everyone is going through their own struggles.

I was born in Sudan but emigrated to the US with my family at the age of 10. Fleeing genocide, we resettled in San Antonio, and I’ve grown to love everything about the city, from the people and culture to the Spurs. I graduated from Health Careers High School, located right in the heart of the medical center, where my interest in medicine and the humanities grew. Naturally, I went to UTSA and graduated with a degree in Medical Humanities, and I’m currently a first-year medical student at UT Health San Antonio. 

My experiences have taught me that we all have a story to tell, and by capturing and sharing people’s stories, we remind ourselves that the world is bigger than any one person and that everyone is going through their own struggles. This instills a sense of gratitude and humility as we strive to better our communities. 

In my free time, you’ll catch me playing basketball, spending time at the masjid, or sleeping.


Author: Abakar Baraka,  Photo: Allie Vasak

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